- Ping
- NSlookup
- Whois
- IP block search
- Dig
- Traceroute
- Finger
- Web browser keep-alive
- DNS zone transfer
- SMTP relay check
- Usenet cancel check
- Website download
- Website search
- Email header analysis
- Email blacklist
- Query Abuse address
- Each tool displays it’s output in it’s own window, and everything is multi-threaded so you don’t need to wait for one query to complete before starting the next one
- Some functions are threaded still further to allow lazy reverse DNS lookups (never do a traceroute -n again)
- The output from each query is hotlinked, so you can right click on an email address, IP address, hostname or internic tag to run another query on it
- Appending the results of a query to the log window is a single button function
- There’s a lot of online help, in both WinHelp and HTMLHelp formats. This includes tutorials, background information and links to online resources as well as the program manual itself
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