Saturday, January 15, 2011

Top Web Hacking Techniques of 2009

1. Creating a rogue CA certificate

Alexander Sotirov, Marc Stevens, Jacob Appelbaum, Arjen Lenstra, David Molnar, Dag Arne Osvik, Benne de Weger

2. HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)
Luca Carettoni, Stefano diPaola 

3. Flickr's API Signature Forgery Vulnerability (MD5 extension attack)
Thai Duong and Juliano Rizzo

4. Cross-domain search timing
Chris Evans

5. Slowloris HTTP DoS
Robert Hansen, (additional credit for earlier discovery to Adrian Ilarion Ciobanu & Ivan Ristic - “Programming Model Attacks” section of Apache Security for describing the attack, but did not produce a tool)

6. Microsoft IIS 0-Day Vulnerability Parsing Files (semi‐colon bug)
Soroush Dalili

7. Exploiting unexploitable XSS
Stephen Sclafani

8. Our Favorite XSS Filters and how to Attack them
Eduardo Vela (sirdarckcat), David Lindsay (thornmaker)

9. RFC1918 Caching Security Issues
Robert Hansen

10. DNS Rebinding (3-part series Persistent CookiesScraping & Spamming, and Session Fixation)
Robert Hansen

Coming up at IT-Defense (Feb. 3 - 5) and RSA USA 2010 (Mar. 1 - 5) it will be my great honor to introduce each of the top ten during my “2010: A Web Hacking Odyssey” presentations. Each technique will be described in technical detail for how they work, what they can do, who they affect, and how best to defend against them. The opportunity provides a chance to get a closer look at the new attacks that could be used against us in the future.
The Complete List
  1. Persistent Cookies and DNS Rebinding Redux
  2. iPhone SSL Warning and Safari Phishing
  3. RFC 1918 Blues
  4. Slowloris HTTP DoS
  5. CSRF And Ignoring Basic/Digest Auth
  6. Hash Information Disclosure Via Collisions - The Hard Way
  7. Socket Capable Browser Plugins Result In Transparent Proxy Abuse
  8. XMLHTTPReqest “Ping” Sweeping in Firefox 3.5+
  9. Session Fixation Via DNS Rebinding
  10. Quicky Firefox DoS
  11. DNS Rebinding for Credential Brute Force
  12. SMBEnum
  13. DNS Rebinding for Scraping and Spamming
  14. SMB Decloaking
  15. De-cloaking in IE7.0 Via Windows Variables
  16. itms Decloaking
  17. Flash Origin Policy Issues
  18. Cross-subdomain Cookie Attacks
  19. HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP)
  20. How to use Google Analytics to DoS a client from some website.
  21. Our Favorite XSS Filters and how to Attack them
  22. Location based XSS attacks
  23. PHPIDS bypass
  24. I know what your friends did last summer
  25. Detecting IE in 12 bytes
  26. Detecting browsers javascript hacks
  27. Inline UTF-7 E4X javascript hijacking
  28. HTML5 XSS
  29. Opera XSS vectors
  30. New PHPIDS vector
  31. Bypassing CSP for fun, no profit
  32. Twitter misidentifying context
  33. Ping pong obfuscation
  34. HTML5 new XSS vectors
  35. About CSS Attacks
  36. Web pages Detecting Virtualized Browsers and other tricks
  37. Results, Unicode Left/Right Pointing Double Angel Quotation Mark
  38. Detecting Private Browsing Mode
  39. Cross-domain search timing
  40. Bonus Safari XXE (only affecting Safari 4 Beta)
  41. Apple's Safari 4 also fixes cross-domain XML theft
  42. Apple's Safari 4 fixes local file theft attack
  43. A more plausible E4X attack
  44. A brief description of how to become a CA
  45. Creating a rogue CA certificate
  46. Browser scheme/slash quirks
  47. Cross-protocol XSS with non-standard service ports
  48. Forget sidejacking, clickjacking, and carjacking: enter “Formjacking”
  49. MD5 extension attack
  50. Attack - PDF Silent HTTP Form Repurposing Attacks
  51. XSS Relocation Attacks through Word Hyperlinking
  52. Hacking CSRF Tokens using CSS History Hack
  53. Hijacking Opera’s Native Page using malicious RSS payloads
  54. Millions of PDF invisibly embedded with your internal disk paths
  55. Exploiting IE8 UTF-7 XSS Vulnerability using Local Redirection
  56. Pwning Opera Unite with Inferno’s Eleven
  57. Using Blended Browser Threats involving Chrome to steal files on your computer
  58. Bypassing OWASP ESAPI XSS Protection inside Javascript
  59. Hijacking Safari 4 Top Sites with Phish Bombs
  60. Yahoo Babelfish - Possible Frame Injection Attack - Design Stringency
  61. Gmail - Google Docs Cookie Hijacking through PDF Repurposing & PDF
  62. IE8 Link Spoofing - Broken Status Bar Integrity
  63. Blind SQL Injection: Inference thourgh Underflow exception
  64. Exploiting Unexploitable XSS
  65. Clickjacking & OAuth
  66. Google Translate - Google User Content - File Uploading Cross - XSS and Design Stringency - A Talk
  67. Active Man in the Middle Attacks
  68. Cross-Site Identification (XSid)
  69. Microsoft IIS with Metasploit evil.asp;.jpg
  70. MSWord Scripting Object XSS Payload Execution Bug and Random CLSID Stringency
  71. Generic cross-browser cross-domain theft
  72. Popup & Focus URL Hijacking
  73. Advanced SQL injection to operating system full control(whitepaper)
  74. Expanding the control over the operating system from the database
  75. HTML+TIME XSS attacks
  76. Enumerating logins via Abuse of Functionality vulnerabilities
  77. Hellfire for redirectors
  78. DoS attacks via Abuse of Functionality vulnerabilities
  79. URL Spoofing vulnerability in bots of search engines (#2)
  80. URL Hiding - new method of URL Spoofing attacks
  81. Exploiting Facebook Application XSS Holes to Make API Requests
  82. Unauthorized TinyURL URL Enumeration Vulnerability

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